We are pleased to share a recent interview with Steve Hyland from the Deep Dive, where we discuss the current copper market and its optimistic outlook over different time horizons, the strategy behind Canadian Copper, some challenges in junior mining, while emphasizing our focused asset approach to capital allocation.
We also highlight the importance of the Murray Brook deposit as an advanced asset with a 98% M&I resources, within 10km of a processing facility, and some grassroot exploration options for the Murray Brook West project focused on unlocking exploration potential in this region. Also included are some insights into our capital structure and key investors, including Ocean Partners, underscoring the technical merits of Murray Brook and our strategic direction. Junior companies are trading low relative to majors, and there is opportunity to gain exposure to properties in top jurisdictions with the right underlining commodity.
You can listen to the full interview here.
If you would like to discuss the interview further or have an update on the latest developments at Canadian Copper, please contact Simon Quick through phone (905 220 6661) or email: [email protected].